Around The World In More Than 80 Days

Monday, July 10, 2006

My itinerary
I think I will just post online my itinerary for the next five and a half months so that everyone who reads the blog will be able to know where I am whenever they want. Here is the list of places and dates.

July 15th through August 17th
According to Wikipedia, Tonga is an island nation that lies about a third of the way between New Zealand and Hawaii, south of Samoa and east of Fiji. Tonga is a constitutional monarchy, and recently I learned that the King decided to rid the alphabet of the letter 'b' because he did not like it. If you did not know already, 'taboo' is the only Tongan word used in the English language, however due to the recent alphabet shifting, I do not know whether it still qualifies since it would now be spelled 'tapoo'. I will be living in the capital of Nuku'alofa on the main island of Tongatapu, doing teaching work with primary school children, hopefully organizing more projects with stories and art. I am bringing with me Curious George and Where the Wild Things Are, so I hope my kids enjoy them.

August 22nd through October 14th
Southeast Asia
I wish I could be as noteworthy in my discussion of my tour through Southeast Asia, but sadly, I only know the basics. I am taking a tour with a company called Intrepid Travel for about 45 days. I begin my journey in Bangkok, with about 10 other people. I travel through Cambodia and Laos, and then fly back to Bangkok, where I then take a trip down the east coast of Thailand, into Malaysia and Singapore, across to Jakarta along Indonesia where I finish in Bali. It should be completely different from anything I have seen before, and I am so excited to go and do it.

October 15th through the end of November
I believe I am going to be joining a conservation organization that organizes groups of volunteers over a six week period to travel around to the six different states of the country to do conservation work with the environment. It is not confirmed yet, but I plan on confirming soon!

End of November through December 20th
New Zealand
For my final leg of the trip I will be in New Zealand, zooming through the north and south island on my own, taking in the sights and pretending I am Eowyn from The Lord of the Rings. I know New Zealand will be a place I will visit again, so I think I am going to do a taster menu of the country, small portions of lots of places. That is my plan for now, anyhow.

Well, that is my plan as of now. I will keep updating as I go.


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